2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

The KEEN 3Cs (Curiosity, Connections, and Creating Value) framework for entrepreneurial mindset was developed by the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN) to guide curriculum development, faculty professional development, and student-related initiatives when seeking to integrate entrepreneurial mindset into engineering education. The KEEN 3Cs have also been used to characterize the attributes associated with an entrepreneurial mindset (EM). Despite growing popularity and acceptance in the practitioner community, there is a lack of explicit connections between the included constructs and broader theoretical literature.

The current study is part of a larger project to provide a theoretical foundation for the KEEN 3Cs framework and the operationalization of its constructs. A content analysis of the Curiosity, Connections, and Creating Value pages on the KEEN Engineering Unleashed website was conducted to characterize the state of the 3Cs as defined by KEEN contributors. Artifacts consisted of KEEN cards (i.e., faculty-created, dynamic resources that share modules, projects, classes, and labs), academic research papers, and videos on the website. Themes for each C were identified based on this content analysis resulting in a list of key terms that were subsequently used in interviews to obtain reactions from KEEN legacy leaders. Participants were first asked to provide their definition of each C as it pertains to the entrepreneurial mindset. They were subsequently shown the list of emergent key terms to elicit feedback and reactions about which themes resonated with them as related to the 3Cs and which themes they believed may have less alignment. The preliminary findings identified consistencies as well as variations between the key terms generated for each C and the opinions of the participating KEEN legacy leaders. These findings reinforce the necessity of building a theoretical grounding for the 3Cs framework to benefit stakeholders within and outside the KEEN community.

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