2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

Board 115: Examining Engineering Students’ Gender and Racial Effects in College Course Team Peer Assessment: A Quantitative Intersectional Approach

Presented at Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Poster Session

Poster-WIP: Examining Engineering Students’ Gender and Racial Effects in College Course Team Peer Assessment: A Quantitative Intersectional Approach
Keyworks: Peer Assessment; Gender; Race; Intersectionality; Team Performance
Peer assessment is commonly employed in college courses embracing team-based learning, with a growing focus on the design’s impact on student learning outcomes. Existing research highlights the influence of factors like gender and race, yet a literature gap persists in understanding how students’ gender and race impact their interactions within small groups and further shape peer assessment in the context of college course teamwork. In this work-in-progress, we employ a quantitative intersectional approach to examine gender and racial effects on peer assessment among over 1,700 engineering college students at a large research-oriented university located in the Midwest. Our analysis indicates a shift in the dominant role of male students, with females playing a more prominent role, particularly among White and Asian students. Gender-based disparities in peer assessment are associated with how White raters evaluate Asian male teammates, highlighting potential biases and the marginalization of Asian males. Furthermore, our findings highlight the underprivileged status of Minoritized groups in engineering education, regardless of their gender. This study stresses the importance of considering gender and race in peer assessment design for evaluating team-based learning outcomes. Moreover, we advocate for the inclusion of group diversity effects in terms of gender and race in future research examining team-based learning and related factors such as designed interventions.ors such as designed interventions.

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