2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

Board 398: Sustaining and Scaling the Impact of the MIDFIELD Project at the American Society for Engineering Education (Year 2)

Presented at NSF Grantees Poster Session

The Multiple Institution Database for Investigating Engineering Longitudinal Development (MIDFIELD) has been developed over many years with substantial investment by the National Science Foundation through Engineering Education and Centers in the Engineering Directorate and the Division of Undergraduate Education in the Education and Human Resources Directorate. This project is focused on transitioning MIDFIELD to the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). The current team of MIDFIELD researchers continues to support this project including helping others learn to use the database. We have developed detailed tutorials in R that introduce MIDFIELD, key metrics, and example scenarios. We have also designed and facilitated workshops. In year 2, we offered the MIDFIELD Institute, an online three-day workshop to help researchers learn about and use MIDFIELD effectively. Attendees included graduate students, early career faculty, senior faculty, and an NSF program officer. Results from the 2023 offering of the MIDFIELD Institute are described in this paper. Dissemination and products are also summarized.

  1. Mr. Russell Andrew Long Purdue Engineering Education [biography]
  2. Hayaam Osman Purdue University, West Lafayette [biography]
  3. Dr. Joe Roy American Society for Engineering Education [biography]
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