2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

Increasing Student Motivation and Learning by Adopting the Experiment-Centric Pedagogy: A Case of Undergraduates in Biology

Presented at Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies Division (DELOS) Technical Session 5: Lab Design

This research is focused on the adoption of an experiment-centric teaching approach to enhance student’s learning, develop their critical thinking skills, and help students better understand the underlying concepts in biology, thereby giving them a better comprehension of how these concepts may be applied in practice as well as facilitating their academic success.
Traditional and experiment-centric teaching methods are used to instruct students in four biology courses (BIO 101-W09 Introductory Biology for Non-Major, Bio 103 Introductory Biology for Nursing Major, BIO 109-001 Foundations in Biology, Diversity, and Organismal Systems and Bio 201. Anatomy and Physiology I) taken by first and second-year students. The sensor from a heart rate app is used to conduct and monitor several common experiments in Biology. On phone screens, the data gathered from these experiments can be visualized in real-time.
In order to measure the key constructs associated with students’ success (motivation, epistemic and perceptual curiosity, and self-efficacy), data collection was done pre-and post-implementation of the experiments using the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) developed by Pintrich, Smith, García, and McKeachie, in 1991. Also, the Classroom Observation Protocol for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS) was employed to characterize the simultaneous activities of instructors and learners during class sessions. More so, students’ understanding of the course and how they process instructions were evaluated using signature assignments.
Data analysis would be conducted using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS 25.0). This research would carefully investigate the association between students’ motivation and their gender at 95% confidence level.

  1. Dr. Akinyele Oni Morgan State University [biography]
  2. Saroj K. Pramanik Morgan State University
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