2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

Rethinking Spatial Visualization Assessments: Centering Recognized Prior Knowledge in 2D/3D Curriculum Development

Presented at Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) Technical Session 3

This paper is a critical review of literature discussing spatial visualization measurement in engineering learners. Building on our synthesis, we share our progress in developing a new spatial visualization assessment with the intent of recognizing the prior skills of learners in communicating abstract ideas in 2D/3D modeling.

DeBoer Lab has an existing design-based curriculum titled Localized Engineering in Displacement, or LED, where learners’ relevant local knowledge and skills are recognized as assets in their engineering learning. Our work in this paper contributes towards localizing the 2D/3D modeling modules by understanding how spatial visualization skills are measured and assessed. We bring together the frameworks of activity theory and culturally situated design tools to discuss how we address the gap in asset-based approaches in 2D/3D modeling curriculum development. Our work expands the area of spatial visualization development in graphics education as it is applied in engineering design, specifically for the scope of international contexts.

  1. Yağmur Önder Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE) [biography]
  2. Nrupaja Bhide Purdue University at West Lafayette (PPI) [biography]
  3. Prof. Jennifer Deboer Purdue University at West Lafayette (PWL) (COE) [biography]
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