Even with a return to in-person learning by many institutions since the COVID-19 pandemic, many educational institutions continue to offer a plethora of online learning opportunities for students. Student experience with hardware-based applications and projects though can be somewhat limited for engineering and computer science courses not offered in in-person educational settings. Problem-based learning exercises enable students to learn skills for analyzing or solving problems and processes in STEM applications and projects.
We describe ongoing activities at two Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) for the development of engaged learning exercises and associated materials for two different IoT-based kits, one centered around a Raspberry Pi with associated sensors and actuators and a second commercial-off-the-shelf kit developed around a BeagleBone Green microcontroller with connected sensors and communication components. The Internet of Things (IoT)-based kits have been utilized to facilitate practical hardware experiences for remote student learning.
In this research we are currently concentrating on two research questions: Can transfer of learning be successfully achieved in remote hands-on engaged student learning (ESL) scenarios? and How well do online tutorials contribute to hands-on ESL, when coupled with physical hardware accessible at home? Preliminary assessment demonstrates that students benefit from the access to IoT-based course materials and many students incorporate IoT-based aspects into their senior design capstone projects.
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