2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

Lessons Learned about Empowering Engineering Instructional Faculty through a Group Coaching Model

Presented at Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 3

This ‘lessons learned’ paper outlines an asset-based model for faculty development that engages faculty as leaders of educational change by empowering them to critically reflect on and leverage what they already know. Complementing the format of faculty learning communities, group coaching centers around self-reflection, community building, group accountability, and celebration. In this model, the role of a faculty developer shifts from one of a facilitator to that of a coach. This shift transforms the power dynamic between those of different levels of educational and disciplinary expertise, seeking to create an equitable space that recognizes the individual and collective knowledge of a group. Other notable shifts occur; rather than making decisions for a participant, a coach invites them to share perspectives, goals, and challenges and to see the bigger picture of their development. A coach also shifts ownership of outcomes, inviting faculty to reflect on their goals, make decisions, and take strategic actions that lead toward sustainable and meaningful outcomes. This paper, therefore, will introduce and share reflections on two iterations of a group coaching model within a professional development program designed for Engineering Instructional Faculty (EIF) at Hispanic Serving Institutions.
As part of a multi-year action research project to identify learning experiences that develop EIF educational change leaders, we designed and launched a professional development program grounded in prior research and leveraging design theories. A two-day onsite workshop followed and complemented by a virtual group coaching model, engages EIF in reflective activities about their students, their leadership skills, areas for professional growth, and possible opportunities to pursue educational change projects at their institutions. The format and design of the group coaching curriculum was informed and developed by a diverse team of engineering education researchers, engineering instructional faculty, and faculty developers – all with different levels of International Coaching Federation (ICF) based coach training. The first iteration was designed with six two-hour virtual sessions and two flexible make-up opportunities, a dedicated coach and graduate research assistant. After receiving participant feedback, changes to the second iteration included the addition of a peer mentor (a participant from the first iteration), explicit coaching activities during the onsite workshop, and a small group orientation session to set expectations of the group coaching model.
To bring awareness to the practicalities of leading a group coaching model with faculty, we will share an overview of our two iterations, including the rationale for changes made and the narrative reflections from the coaching team. Having centered the group coaching around topics on leadership, asset-based perspectives, measuring success, and others related to educational change, we will highlight the importance of balancing the goals of the program with those of the participants. We will also share the role of the ICF model in our design, the shifting role of the coach, and recommendations for others interested in using a group coaching model to support faculty as leaders of educational change. The preferred format for this paper is a lightning talk.

  1. Dr. Ines Basalo University of Miami [biography]
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