2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

Work-In-Progress: Holistic, Multi-disciplinary Systems Approach to Teaching Sustainable and Contextual Engineering Concepts for Undergraduate Students

Presented at Best of Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI)

The urgent global need for sustainable engineering solutions necessitates a paradigm shift in engineering education. This paper advocates for a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary approach in teaching sustainable and contextual engineering to undergraduate students. The multidimensional challenges of sustainable development require engineers to understand the complex interplay of ecological, social, economic, and ethical factors. This paper highlights the imperative of embracing a holistic pedagogical framework that combines engineering fundamentals with knowledge from diverse disciplines. Specifically, this paper will discuss how two universities implemented sustainable, contextual learning opportunities for their undergraduate students from an interdisciplinary perspective and from disciplines not typically involved in sustainable education pedagogy such as Electrical and Chemical Engineering perspectives. This paper will provide examples on how contextual learning opportunities could be implemented with a range of types of assignments with various time commitments.
We argue that exposing undergraduate engineering students to this approach equips them with the essential skills, perspectives, and critical thinking abilities required to address sustainability challenges effectively. Incorporating real-world case studies, interdisciplinary collaboration, ethical considerations, and experiential learning opportunities within the curriculum prepares students to approach engineering problems with a nuanced understanding of the broader systems and contexts involved. Through our educational approaches to implementing contextual engineering learning opportunities, we aim to cultivate a new generation of engineers capable of devising innovative, sustainable, and contextually relevant solutions that positively impact society and the environment.

  1. Dr. Courtney Pfluger Northeastern University [biography]
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