2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

Board 210: AMPLIFY Institute: A Professional Development Program Designed for and with Engineering Instructional Faculty

Presented at NSF Grantees Poster Session

Engineering Instructional Faculty (EIF) working at Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) hold pivotal positions in the development of support programs, targeted initiatives, and inclusive curricula for full-time undergraduate Hispanic/Latinx-identifying students at HSIs. The AMPLIFY Project, funded by NSF’s HSI program, was designed with this in mind, to better understand and amplify the perspectives and experiences of EIF serving at HSIs. The project aims to identify the learning experiences that support EIF educational change leadership development, define a framework for how to support the educational change leadership development of EIF, and design and implement an AMPLIFY Institute. From the initial years of the project, the results from a multiple case study of EIF across six HSIs demonstrated that EIF faculty value work-life balance, view supporting students as central to their role and professional development and use strategies to help students succeed. They have a high sense of enthusiasm for learning, teaching, and the engineering discipline, contributing to why they are motivated to pursue and maintain their instructional faculty positions. The purpose of this paper is to present the project‘s transition from the multiple case study to the implementation of the AMPLIFY Institute and identify the learning experiences that support EIF leadership evolution.

Using a two-cycle action research approach, the AMPLIFY Project seeks to answer the four research questions, two of which were central over the last year of the project. To answer these questions, the AMPLIFY Institute was developed to include immersive in-person two days events, during which EIF participants get to know their peers, complete interactive activities on leadership and educational change, and scope a change effort that they would like to pursue throughout the remainder of the Institute. In addition, these EIF participants are supported by the Institute team during six virtual group coaching sessions for 1.5 hours each. In each collaborative coaching session, EIFs are guided through a series of powerful questions or group exercises to support their agency towards future outcomes.

The AMPLIFY Institute therefore seeks to collaboratively support the development of an engineering educational system at HSIs that is inclusive, culturally enhancing, self-sustaining, and transformative. Consequently, this paper will describe how the results from multiple case study research were used to design a series of personas to inform the AMPLIFY Institute. Six personas were constructed from research data to represent EIF participants, demonstrating backgrounds and personalities, their teaching goals, leadership competencies, change efforts, frustrations, and professional development needs and desires. Assessment of these personas informed the design and implementation of the first AMPLIFY Institute Kickoff with 14 EIF. During the kickoff, the EIF shared contributions their students provide to their teaching objectives, values they promote in their classrooms, communication strengths they bring to classrooms, resources that support their work in classes, and dreams that motivate them, among others. This paper will summarize the design of the AMPLIFY Institute and the project’s progress towards its intended outcomes.

  1. Julian Rodrigo Sosa Molano Florida International University [biography]
  2. Mr. Henry Salgado University of Texas, El Paso [biography]
  3. Ines Basalo University of Miami [biography]
  4. Dr. Brett Tallman University of Texas, El Paso [biography]
  5. Yamile Aidee Urquidi University of Texas at El Paso [biography]
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