2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

Board 416: Undergraduate Student Experiences With FossilSketch Software to Learn Basics of Micropaleontology

Presented at NSF Grantees Poster Session

We developed FossilSketch to enable instructors to teach undergraduate micropaleontology and provide students with a scaffolded interactive learning experience to help them develop microfossil identification skills. Here we report the results of FossilSketch testing, its effectiveness, and its impact on student learning experiences and knowledge retention. Junior and Senior undergraduate geoscience students at Texas A&M University learned microfossil identification in Spring 2020 (Control Group) through traditional means, and in 2021-2022 students learned with the aid of FossilSketch (Test Group). Students in the Test Group reported less confusion about the process of identifying the microfossils, and classroom assessment measures revealed that using FossilSketch resulted in statistically significant learning improvement. A qualitative analysis of open-ended student survey responses showed that students in the Test group shared more positive experiences and attitudes toward micropaleontology than those in the Control group.

  1. Christina Belanger Texas A&M University
  2. Dr. Christine A Stanley Texas A&M University [biography]
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