2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition papers by Dr. Karin Jensen

Title Session
Board 263: Elective Track Choice and Career Attitudes in Engineering Undergraduate Education: Antecedents, Gender Differences, and Implications NSF Grantees Poster Session [view paper]
Board 233: CAREER: Supporting Mental Health and Wellness in Engineering Culture to Promote Equitable Change NSF Grantees Poster Session [view paper]
Board 409: The Stressors for Doctoral Students Questionnaire: Year 2 of an RFE Project on Understanding Graduate Engineering Student Well-Being and Retention NSF Grantees Poster Session [view paper]
Conducting the cognitive interview: Sharing experiences and insight from two think-aloud studies Research Methodologies – Session 1 [view paper]
Overlooked, Underlying: Understanding tacit criteria of proposal reviewing during a mock panel review Exploration of Written and Team Communication [view paper]
Board 194: A Community-Driven Process for Developing NSF Review Panelists NSF Grantees Poster Session [view paper]
Board 357: Pilot Study of the Impacts of a Robotics Curriculum on Student’s Subject-Related Identities and Understanding of Engineering NSF Grantees Poster Session [view paper]
Work in Progress: Exploring the Landscape of Stressors Experienced by Doctoral Engineering Students Graduate Studies Division (GSD) Technical Session 6: Challenges and Coping Strategies of Engineering Graduate Students [view paper]

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