2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition papers by Catherine G. P. Berdanier

Title Session
Design Argumentation on Multidisciplinary Teams: An Analysis of Engineering Design Team Communication Effectiveness Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) Technical Session 10 [view paper]
Identifying Barriers to Recruiting Low-Income Students into Engineering Master’s Programs Graduate Studies Division (GSD) Technical Session 1: Recruitment and Support in Engineering Graduate Programs [view paper]
Student Success in 4-D (SS4D): Toward a Holistic Understanding of Engineering Student Success in Motivation, Curricular Attainment and Experiential Opportunities across Educational Stages Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH) Technical Session 7: Student Evaluation and Grading [view paper]
Board 231: CAREER: Characterizing Master’s-Level Departure from the Engineering Doctorate through Multiple Stakeholders’ Perspectives NSF Grantees Poster Session [view paper]
Exploring graduate engineering students’ reasons for original enrollment and current persistence in engineering master’s and PhD programs Formation and Development of Engineers [view paper]
Burnout: The Cost of Masking Neurodiversity in Graduate STEM Programs Promoting Well-Being in Engineering Education: Strategies and Perspectives [view paper]
Capturing attrition decisions in engineering graduate students using longitudinal SMS data Instrument Design and Development [view paper]
A Qualitative Methods Primer: A Resource to Assist Engineering Education Scholars in Mentoring Traditionally Trained Engineering Faculty to Educational Research Research Methodologies – Session 1 [view paper]
Exploring the Viability of Agent-Based Modeling to Extend Qualitative Research: Comparison of Computational Platforms Investigating Student Pathways to and through Undergraduate and Graduate Programs [view paper]
Synthesizing Indicators of Quality across Traditions of Narrative Research Methods Research Methodologies – Session 2 [view paper]

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