2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition papers by Dr. Adam Kirn

Title Session
Board 388: S-STEM: Creating Retention and Engagement for Academically Talented Engineers—Lessons Learned NSF Grantees Poster Session [view paper]
Creating Social Capital: Developing Resources in a Cohort Program Engineering Programs and Institutional Factors [view paper]
Work in Progress: Who Are Graduate Program Directors and What Are Their Roles in Healing within Graduate Engineering Education? Work-in-Progress Session: Understanding Issues Faced by Graduate Students and Faculty [view paper]
Interest-Driven Major Pathways for Mid-Program Undergraduate Engineering Students Investigating Student Pathways to and through Undergraduate and Graduate Programs [view paper]
“Are You Sure You Know What You’re Talking About?”: Epistemic Injustice Exposed by Stereotype Threat in Engineering Women in Engineering Division (WIED) Technical Session 5 [view paper]

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