Sometimes projects settle into a status quo of doing the same things because that is what has always been done. In this presentation, we’ll talk about the process of transitioning a NASA-funded [State] Space Grant to develop more meaningful activities/interventions for students and to improve the evaluation of the project. The project is writing a renewal grant now and has been collaborating with an evaluator to refine the planned activities and the SMART goals and planned measurement of the outcomes of those activities.
The project supports students pursuing careers in STEM, helps develop faculty skills/knowledge and supports some pre-college education activities. The new grant has an increased focus on broadening participation and has a new requirement for external evaluation. Historically, 50% of student funding is awarded to marginalized students in STEM. Starting in 2024 the program began to increase the percentage of marginalized student recipients and alongside funding will incorporate cohort programs that honor students’ cultural, racial, and ethnic identities. The presentation will discuss the motivations for the changes as well as some of the outcomes from prior work.
The [State] Space Grant recently engaged a new evaluator on the project to help write the new proposal and to develop a strong evaluation plan for the renewal grant. This opportunity has led to additional discussion about what goals and outcomes the project is trying to achieve, and has sharpened the project’s articulation of how the project’s activities are connected to those outcomes. For example, the new grant includes a focus on building strong, reciprocal relationships with affiliate institutions to support the partners to move toward specific learning objectives that are relevant and sustaining for the students in their programs. The presentation will discuss how projects working towards continued funding/renewal funding can think about framing their work and their changes to ensure that meaningful outcomes are captured in the evaluation.