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T548·Systems Engineering Topics
Technical Systems Engineering Division (SYS)
Tue. June 25, 2024 3:15 PM to 4:45 PM
Columbia 2 , Hyatt Regency Portland (HQ Hotel)
Session Description

Various systems engineering topics, including analysis, modeling, design, and integration.

For those interested in: Academia-Industry Connections, Broadening Participation in Engineering and Engineering Technology, and New Members

Moderated by
  1. Dr. Rafic Bachmak
Papers Presented
  1. Essentials of the Nurse + Engineer: Integrating Systems Engineering Modeling [view paper]
    Dr. Daniel B Oerther P.E. (Missouri University of Science and Technology) and Sarah Oerther (Affiliation unknown)
  2. Control System Design for a Small-Scale Radio Telescope: A Senior Design Project [view paper]
    Zachary Martin (Penn State University), Aaron Olsen (Penn State University), and Kiana Karami (Penn State University)
  3. Developing Computational Intelligence Curriculum Materials to Advance Student Learning for Robot Control and Optimization [view paper]
    Dr. Tingjun Lei (Mississippi State University), Timothy Sellers (Mississippi State University), Prof. Chaomin Luo (Mississippi State University), Prof. Zhuming Bi (Purdue University), and Prof. Gene Eu Jan (Tainan National University of the Arts)
  4. Exploring the Impact of Study Sheets on Students' Performance in an Engineered Systems in Society Course [view paper]
    Mr. ISAAC DAMILARE DUNMOYE (University of Georgia), VINCENT OLUWASETO FAKIYESI (University of Georgia), Similoluwa Temitope Ige (University of Georgia), and Dr. Wayne Johnson (University of Georgia)
  5. Leveraging Active Learning Techniques to Teach Model-Based Systems Engineering [view paper]
    Dr. Joe Gregory (The University of Arizona) and Rick Steiner (The University of Arizona)