2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

Baseline Data on CHE Teaching Focused Faculty in the U.S.

Presented at Perspectives in Chemical Engineering Education

This paper will report on data collected on teaching focused faculty (TFF) (non-tenure track) in chemical engineering (CHE) departments in the US. There are 280 TFF faculty in CHE departments in the US out of 2700 total faculty. This is approximately 10% of all CHE faculty with an average of two TFF per department. We found that 77.5% of the TFF are serving at R1 institutions. This is consistent with 80% of all CHE faculty being employed at R1 institutions. This data was collected first from a department head survey. Then, to get the data from the ABET accredited departments that did not respond to the survey, the authors went to the departmental websites and counted the total faculty and TFF in each department.

The faculty emails were obtained via the websites and all TFF were sent a survey to better understand the work that they do and the compensation and support that they receive. The survey included questions about teaching (what courses do they teach, how many courses they teach), questions about service (e.g. ABET, advising, leading the undergraduate program), questions about salary, and questions about professional development opportunities. In addition, the survey asked some open-ended questions about what changes they would like to see and what support is needed. We will report on the results of this survey including how the answers depend on years of service, type of institution (size, ranking), and demographic information. To our knowledge, this is the first reporting of this kind for TFF in chemical engineering. The main goal of this paper is to serve as a baseline to be used in CHE departments in the US as we seek to elevate the importance of these faculty. In addition, we hope the results of this survey can be used to help these faculty grow professionally.

  1. Dr. Katie Cadwell Syracuse University [biography]
  2. Dr. Taryn Melkus Bayles University of Pittsburgh [biography]
  3. Dr. Lisa G. Bullard P.E. North Carolina State University [biography]
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