Online STEM learning environments present novel learning challenges and require self-regulation of learning. To self-regulate learning, students must develop notetaking study strategies. Yet 49% of online students don't take notes, and roughly 70% don't complete course readings. eNotebook is a comprehensive online notebook app that enables students to develop study strategies and evaluate their performance for corrective measures. This study proposes to 1) pilot test eNotebook’s AI-enhanced study features and 3) investigate how well eNotebook enhances self-regulatory efficacy in Ecampus and hybrid STEM courses. eNotebook was designed and developed by the PIs and EECS collaborators based on the prototype feedback of 140 University students during the Fall 2022 term. The results of this study are expected to inform AI-enhanced study methods and self-regulatory efficacy in Ecampus and hybrid STEM courses.
Keywords: AI-study app, STEM, personalized learning
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