2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

Integrating Engineering Design and Microelectronics in a Range of Pre-College Courses (Resource Exchange)

Presented at Instructional Showcase

Project Description: The goal of {project name redacted} is to integrate engineering design and microelectronics-related content, contexts, and career awareness into the pre-college classroom. Curriculum units were codeveloped with participating teachers and were tested in their classrooms. There are 13 units for secondary students that have been created and will be on display during the curriculum/resource exchange. The core content areas for the created units ranges include: science, mathematics, English Language Arts, Technology, business, and are designed for implementation in grade levels ranging from 5th - 12th grade. State standards were integrated into all lessons which allows for the substitution of these units for existing K-12 content. This work is developed to meet a call for integration of microelectronics across the curriculum. The units are to be shared publicly through a web platform for use in all classrooms. We will provide a takeaway with a link to the downloadable curriculum during the curriculum/resource exchange. Here, we provide short overviews of three of the 13 units:

English/Language Arts Unit (5th – 10th grades): Game On
In this unit, students learn that a company called GEM is looking to revive interest in board games and lessen screen time in students and families. They are planning to do this through adding BBC micro:bit technology into board games that the students create. Students will learn about informative writing, sequencing, and code writing as they plan their instructional manual and prepare an argumentative presentation to the client about their board game. Students will use the engineering design process (EDP) to test other team’s games, and then redesign and present their final prototypes after receiving feedback from peers and their teacher justifying their design choices.

Engineering and Technology Unit (7th – 9th grades): Let the Good Ideas Roll
In this electronics-focused engineering design unit, students are challenged to create an electronic expansion pack for the Sphero BOLT that considers the environmental impact of their proposed prototype as well other criteria and constraints. Throughout the unit, students will explore electricity, power, green energy, programming, and material sourcing. Students investigate microelectronic capabilities such as sensing, motors, and LEDS through the Sphero and the BBC micro:bit. Students use techniques such as mind-mapping, brainstorming, and design sketching to ideate. Students build a prototype and evaluate it using a decision matrix then end the unit by presenting their electronic expansion pack design to the client.

Algebra II and Pre-Calculus Unit (9th – 12th grades): Stressed Out!
In this engineering design unit, students will design a method to allow students to monitor stress during self-scheduled activities such as playing video games or doing homework. As they progress through the engineering design process, students will learn about critical point, min/max behavior, intercepts and continuity in the context of heart rate and general health related data. As students design stress-intervention methods, they will be exploring microelectronics using heart rate sensors and existing sections of micro:bit block-based code. By using graphical knowledge, students will make decisions about their model and present their solutions to the client.

  1. Siddika Selcen Guzey Purdue University, West Lafayette [biography]
  2. Dr. Morgan M Hynes Purdue University, West Lafayette [biography]
  3. Emily M. Haluschak Purdue University, West Lafayette [biography]
  4. Ms. Azizi Penn Purdue Engineering Education [biography]
  5. Ms. Breejha Sene Quezada Purdue Engineering Education
  6. Deana Lucas Purdue University, West Lafayette [biography]
  7. JaKobi Burton Purdue University, West Lafayette
  8. Dr. Mary K. Pilotte Purdue University, West Lafayette [biography]
  9. Rena Ann Sterrett Purdue Engineering Education
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