2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

Coping Strategies of Minoritized Students in STEM Higher Education

Presented at Voices of Diversity: Perspectives and Experiences in STEM Education

Previous research shows that the inherent systemic inequities present in STEM higher education impacts minority participation negatively as evidenced by phenomena like, low sense of belonging, isolation, low self-efficacy, and attrition. Thus, minoritized populations (persons who identify as Black, Latinx, Native Alaskan, Indigenous, or Asian Pacific Islander) have had to overcome many barriers to participation in STEM higher education. In addressing this participation, some research uses deficit frameworks that assume minoritized students lack coping skills (for e.g., how to balance work and classes), and these can be provided for them, for example, through intervention programs. However, there is a general lack of understanding regarding how these students cope from an assets-based lens. This study reports on the coping strategies of 31 minoritized students, and is guided by the research questions: 1) what personal coping mechanisms do minoritized undergraduate students use to navigate STEM fields? and 2) how do mentees leverage assistance from mentors in order to navigate STEM fields? The data was examined through critical race theory and mentoring frameworks. Preliminary results indicate that the participants used various forms of coping strategies including: mentoring, academic support, avoidance/distancing, family, social support, and self-care. These findings can help provide information about mental health resources to support these students, as well as the need for intentional mentoring and advising by faculty and staff. These efforts may have broader implications towards increasing minoritized participation in STEM fields.

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