2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition papers by Dr. Shanna R. Daly

Title Session
Board 204: Barriers and Supports to Divergent Thinking in Engineering Problem-Solving: An Engineering Student Project Experience NSF Grantees Poster Session [view paper]
Board 394: Supporting Secondary Students’ Engineering Front-End Design Skills with the Mobile Design Studio NSF Grantees Poster Session [view paper]
Understanding the Skills and Knowledge Emphasized in Undergraduate Industrial Engineering Courses Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session 28 [view paper]
WIP: Developing a Framework for Equity-Centered Engineering Curriculum and Instruction Engineering a Just Future: Cultivating Equity, Voice, and Community in Technical Education [view paper]
Board 318: Instructor Experiences Integrating Facilitated Socially Engaged Engineering Content in their Courses NSF Grantees Poster Session [view paper]

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