Wed. June 28, 2023 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Room 347, Baltimore Convention Center
Session Description
This session is focused on improvements in instructional methods in the materials education space.
Moderated by
Lessa Grunenfelder
Papers Presented
A New Paradigm for Learning the Fundamentals of Materials Science & Engineering
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Dr. William D. Callister Jr. (University of Utah) and Dr. David G. Rethwisch (The University of Iowa)
An Undergraduate Research Project in Material Science for Improved Rapid Prototyping
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Dr. Stephen Andrew Wilkerson P.E. (York College of Pennsylvania), Dr. Stephen N. Kuchnicki (York College of Pennsylvania), and Aidan T. McFall (Affiliation unknown)
Exploring how Different Instructional Methods Compare to Improve Student Performance and Satisfaction in an Online Environment.
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Mr. Michael Roberts (University of Florida )
Making Learning Fun: Implementing a Gamified Approach to Materials Science and Engineering Education
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Ms. Shayna Earle (McMaster University ), Ms. Liza-Anastasia DiCecco (McMaster University), Ms. Dakota M. Binkley (McMaster University ), Muhammad Arshad (McMaster University ), Mr. Andrew Lucentini (McMaster University ), Dr. Gerald Tembrevilla (McMaster University, Mount Saint Vincent University), and Dr. Bosco Yu PhD, P.Eng (McMaster University, University of Victoria)
Faculty-Led Videos of Real-World Industrial and Research Applications in a Materials Science Course
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Dr. Carlos R. Corleto (Texas A&M University), Matt Pharr (Texas A&M University), Bruce A Conway (Texas A&M University), Dr. Shadi Balawi (Texas A&M University), and Prof. Bruce L. Tai (Texas A&M University )