2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

Review of a Design Methodology in a Client-Based, Authentic Design Curriculum

Presented at Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) Technical Session 13

The curriculum at a small, urban, private school is centered around a series of hands-on, client-based design courses called the [redacted]. Projects are completed during an entire academic year. Faculty serve in a dual role of technical consultants and as academic coaches through the program.

A faculty committee tasked with the responsibility to review, develop, and implement design course work performed a mid-semester progress report of students teams as part of a regular curricular review, and realized that a majority of teams were behind schedule for the prescribed project lifecycle and timeline. This realization from a collective team status update prompted a review of project expectations and milestone accomplishments across three levels of student teams (i.e. sophomore, junior, and senior). Design project teams in all three levels originally followed the same two semester project lifecycle, divided into four phases: Identify Requirements, Characterize Design, Optimize Design, and Validate Design, commonly referred to as ICOV. The status reports revealed that senior teams were on track with the prescribed project lifecycle, while the junior and sophomore teams required additional resources (e.g. time and faculty support). This performance evaluation prompted the faculty committee to develop new project timelines scaleable to the skill levels of the project teams. Additionally, this assessment of team progress also provided an opportunity to redefine the project phases to better represent the types of problems historically researched by the teams and the sequence of tasks performed throughout the semesters. The committee rebranded the four phase project lifecycle with custom phase definitions: Identifying requirements, Develop Preliminary Design, Develop Detailed Design, and Final System Design. The updated phase definitions were created to provide more structure for the student teams and better capture what the school’s design process was in practice rather than in theory.

This paper will present the original and revised project phases and the review of the design process. This process should be of interest to programs with capstone experiences.

  1. Dr. Stephen J. Spicklemire University of Indianapolis [biography]
  2. Dr. Suranga Dharmarathne University of Indianapolis [biography]
  3. Dr. Najmus Saqib University of Indianapolis [biography]
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