This paper presents various interventions engaging authentic-self and culture inspired creative design project-based learning in freshman engineering design graphics course. Students are asked to incorporate the cultural / cross-cultural influence on creative home-décor products at the beginning stages of design through creative ideation, sketching, CAD and prototyping. The cultural / cross-cultural influence on the product is incorporated into the beginning stages of design using creative ideation methods included as part of the course interventions. Students enhanced engagement and sense-of-belonging in learning engineering graphics is assessed through pre and post-activity reflection and quality of design products. The general sentiment seems to indicate that by having the opportunity to highlight their unique backgrounds, students felt an increased sense of belonging and value and ownership on the de-sign products, while demonstrating the technical skills learned in the design course.
Moalosi, R., Popovic, V., & Hickling-Hudson, A. (2010). Culture-orientated product design. International journal of technology and design education, 20(2), 175-190.
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