2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

National Trends and Models for Teaching-Track Faculty in Chemical Engineering

Presented at Chemical Engineering Division (ChED) Technical Session 2: Community Retrospectives

Most chemical engineering departments in the United States have at least one faculty member who is not on tenure track. These faculty serve important roles that can include advising AICHE student groups, academic advising, an increased teaching load, administrative roles, and/or focusing on engineering pedagogy. In March 2022, the Education Division of AICHE created a new group for Chemical Engineering teaching-track faculty, with 60 members by November 2022. The group has met monthly online since then and discussed professional development topics such as how to get promoted, how to get involved in AICHE and ASEE, how to publish research, and how to improve inclusive teaching. In addition, this group has provided support for faculty who might be the only one or one of a few faculty in their position in their department. Through this group, we have found that there is much variation in the support, guidance, and promotion pathways for faculty depending on their individual institutions and departments. The purpose of this paper is to explore these differences and provide examples of policies and procedures at a number of institutions to be used as a model.

This paper has two specific objectives: 1. Discuss the results of a survey given to the faculty in this group. This survey asks questions about the length of their service and contract, their title and opportunities for promotion, support given to them for professional development, their journey to take a teaching-track position and the level of support and belonging that they feel in their departments and institutions. 2. Provide examples of teaching-track policies at three or four institutions that will serve as potential models for other departments and/or institutions.

  1. Dr. Stephanie Butler Velegol Pennsylvania State University [biography]
  2. Dr. Lisa G. Bullard P.E. North Carolina State University, Raleigh [biography]
  3. Taryn Melkus Bayles University of Pittsburgh [biography]
  4. Dr. Katie Cadwell Syracuse University [biography]
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