2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

Board 176: Summer Robotics Program for High School Students

Presented at Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE) Poster Session

ImpactLab is a pre-college program newly developed at our institute, which was offered in summer 2022 for the first time. It was a two-week residential summer experience for rising juniors and seniors in high school, that let them experience a college environment and explore a field of study. Various programs were offered to expose students to different professional fields, including arts, science, architecture, and engineering. Introduction to Robotics was one of the programs and 8 students enrolled the program this year. The students were introduced to college life by a full residential experience including activities in the evenings and weekends.

The academic portion for the selective field took place during the day, Monday through Friday, 6 hours a day, except only 2 hours on Friday. The main goal is to expose students to the Robotics discipline through active learning. The program was developed by faculty from the Electrical and Computer Engineering and Mechanical Engineering programs. Each faculty shared with students their own experience in the robotics field. Basic knowledge related to robotics was introduced and followed by hands on activities. Three projects were undertaken by the students. The first was setting up and programming an autonomous vehicle by Arduino. The autonomous vehicle project included sessions and lab activities for electrical theory and safety, benchtop pulse width modulation, Arduino pulse width modulation, Arduino with ultrasonic sensor, and ended with a SumoBot competition. Another project used Vex Robot equipment. Sessions and labs included introduction to industrial robotics, building of workcell, testing its movements, picking up/dropping off/transporting objects using the workcell. A third project was modeling of robots using SolidWorks. The students learned about CAD and built their own models.

The objective of this research is to measure the impact of the program on the students’ affective and learning experience. A survey was conducted as the students completed the projects to evaluate the content of the program. There were 8 students participated in the Robotics Program and all of them took the survey. The survey shows 75% students satisfied with the academic program, 100% satisfied with the interactions with faculty. Students reflected that they enjoyed the academic program experience very much and found the projects to be helpful in helping them to further identify their college interests and majors. This program was considered success, 75% students extremely likely or somewhat likely to apply and consider attending our institute in the future.

  1. Dr. Jiahui Song Wentworth Institute of Technology [biography]
  2. Dr. Gloria Guohua Ma Wentworth Institute of Technology [biography]
  3. James R. McCusker Ph.D. Wentworth Institute of Technology [biography]
  4. Suzanne Sontgerath Wentworth Institute of Technology
  5. Ilie Talpasanu Wentworth Institute of Technology [biography]
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