2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

Board 237: Classroom Skills Desired by Students

Presented at NSF Grantees Poster Session

Over last few decades, education researchers have focused heavily on pedagogy, learning outcomes, academic achievement, retention and graduation, among other host of factors. Instructors and their content delivery techniques and methods (pedagogy) have received a lot of attention and rightly so because instructors have the pivotal role influencing not only the delivery but also the learning outcomes and achievements. Good teaching practices (Classroom skills) ensure conducive learning environment, thereby enhancing the learning experience and the outcomes. In this short manuscript we examine the results of a 40—item survey instrument, originally developed by the Center for Research and Development in Higher Ed., U of CA, Berkeley, and modified subsequently by CU-Denver Office of Teaching Effectiveness. This survey is administered to a junior-level class over a period of six semesters. A subset of twenty-two items is identified. Subsequently, a two-factor structure comprising of 13 items is proposed.

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