2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

Stakeholders’ Perceptions about an Undergraduate Engineering Program Accreditation Process in Ecuador: Exploratory Work in Progress

Presented at Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI) Technical Session 1

The accreditation committees from ABET are guided by a self-study proposed by this organization to learn about the strengths and limitations that engineering programs face when seeking accreditation. According to ABET, the self-study provides information on whether the academic program meets the criteria and policies. One of the requirements must describe whether the program educational objectives meet the needs of the program's constituents. The constituents are represented by an advisory committee board, which may include (not limited to) employers of the graduates, graduates, and faculty members. This board is able to suggest changes to the program educational objectives according to the industry needs. The program assessment process uses inputs from the advisory committee board to assess the student outcomes. Thus, the advisory committee becomes an important part of the assessment process.
This work in progress paper seeks to explore further the different viewpoints that these diverse stakeholders on the advisory committee have on this process. We focus on an engineering program at a university in Ecuador which recently completed an ABET-based accreditation. The study draws on qualitative interviews conducted with different stakeholders who served on this advisory committee, which include an industry employer, a recent graduate, and a faculty member. The interview focuses on how they perceive the process and the accreditation awarded, their opinions of its usefulness and engagement, and how they think it affected the situation of employability of recent graduates in a three-year period. Based on these findings we draw conclusions that support a critical understanding of the accreditation process when it takes place in settings beyond the USA.

  1. Albert Espinal Orcid 16x16http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2619-2752 Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Guayaquil, Ecuador
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