2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

A Self-Study of Faculty Methods, Attitudes, and Perceptions of Oral Engineering Exams

Presented at Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI) Technical Session 6

While it is commonly known that verbal communication and presentation skills are highly desirable by employers, many engineering students’ technical learning is assessed primarily through written examination means. In the department of [BLINDED FOR REVIEW], verbal exams are a fundamental formative and summative assessment method of checking students’ understanding [1]. While the goals for verbal examination are common throughout the program, this paper aims to compile the individual philosophies, approaches, attitudes, and perceptions of faculty within the department who give verbal examinations on a regular basis. Each faculty member focuses their exam in some way on checking students’ ability to orally discuss the fundamental principles and concepts that were covered in their flipped-classroom setting. These verbal engineering exams are employed across all engineering courses and in the students’ professional and design learning. Because of this breadth, this paper is focused only on oral exams in students’ technical engineering courses. Some methods included by faculty are more qualitative, such as discussing descriptions, sketches, applications, and connections of the principle or concept of interest, or are more quantitative, such as orally explaining the process of solving a problem in real-time.

The analytical framework used in this study to examine each faculty member’s approach is the strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threat (SWOT) analysis, commonly used in strategic planning and management [2]. The purpose of this analysis will be to provide recommendations for growth and best practices in administering verbal engineering exams, regardless of the specific engineering course.

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