The NSF S-STEM program at XYZ University, a minority serving institution provided academic, social, professional, and financial support to academically gifted students from the engineering, computer science, and mathematics disciplines. This project created a pathway for a) underprivileged students from rural areas, b) minority pupils, mainly of Hispanic descent, and c) college students who are first-generation to successfully enter the STEM workforce. There was a total of 49 students served through this S-STEM scholarship program in a five-year span. The overall retention to graduation rate was 71% (41/58). Of the 71 % retained or graduated, 56% were female (23) and 42% (17) were Hispanic/Latino.
Through this scholarship program, students combined into a single cohort received academic support through Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) study groups, tutoring and mentoring activities. Professional and social activities organized for the S-STEM scholars in an on-campus and online format included technical talks given by subject knowledge experts, project leadership seminars, teambuilding skills workshop, industrial visits, and community service activities. This paper will discuss the overall outcomes of the project including the project design, recruitment and retention strategies used, and the student experiences obtained through the focus groups. The academic success stories of the scholars which predominantly comprised of underrepresented minorities, low-income individuals, and first-generation college students entering a STEM workforce will also be discussed in this paper. A comparative analysis detailing the overall success of the students involved in the S-STEM scholarship program as compared to students who were not a part of this program will also be discussed in this paper to assess the effectiveness of the approaches adopted.
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