2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

Work in Progress: A Systematic Literature Review of Engineering Education in Middle School Classrooms

Presented at Work-in-Progress Session: Supporting Students To, Through, and Beyond Transitions

This work-in-progress paper presents a systematic literature review that examines the landscape of engineering learning and teaching in middle school classrooms. With the integration of engineering into most state science standards following the release of the Next Generation of Science Standards (NGSS) in 2013, there is a growing emphasis on engineering design as an authentic context for science learning. However, some argue this promotes misconceptions and misrepresents engineering. In response to these concerns, the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) and Advancing Excellence in P12 Engineering Education introduced a Framework for P-12 Engineering Learning (2020). This framework outlines learning goals for engineering literacy that move beyond a narrow focus on practices to include engineering habits of mind and engineering knowledge. However, the authors call for further research to scaffold learning goals for lower grades. To contribute to this ongoing effort, this study assesses the trends in researching and teaching engineering at a middle school level, particularly within formal classroom instruction. This work-in-progress paper presents our preliminary findings, addressing the following key questions: (1) What are the trends in research related to engineering in middle school classrooms? (2) How is engineering integrated into middle school classrooms? (3) How has the NGSS, released in 2013, impacted the learning goals of engineering in middle school classrooms? The search strategy focused on studies published from 2012 - 2022 that examined engineering interventions in middle school classroom settings. The screening process resulted in 234 included studies. To guide analysis, a coding guide was developed based on the NGSS and ASEE Framework. The paper presents the initial results of a narrative synthesis focusing on a subset of 48 papers published after 2020. Results of the coding guide indicate that a significant number of studies explicitly mention alignment with NGSS and focus on design practices that facilitate science learning. However, only 46% of the interventions appeared to meet at least one middle school NGSS standard, with a majority supporting elementary standards. Furthermore, only one study described the explicit incorporation of engineering concepts into the intervention. The implications of these findings and future research directions are discussed. By shedding light on the current state of engineering learning and teaching in middle school classrooms, this work-in-progress paper aims to contribute to the ongoing efforts of developing authentic engineering education experiences for pre-college students.

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  • Pre-College