The Computing Curricula 2020 (CC2020) report, issued by the ACM and IEEE Computer Society,
identified knowledge, skills, and dispositions as the three main components of competency for
undergraduate programs in computer engineering, computer science, cybersecurity, information
systems, information technology, and software engineering, as well as data science. As earlier
generations of curricular guidelines in computing have described knowledge and skills to some
extent, the notion of dispositions is relatively new to computing.
Dispositions are cultivable behaviors, such as adaptability, meticulousness, and self-directedness,
that are desirable in the workplace. Multiple employer surveys and interviews confirm that dispositions are as crucial for success in the workplace as the knowledge and skills students develop in their academic programs of study. As such, the CC2020 report describes eleven dispositions that are expected of competent computing graduates. These are distinct and separate from the technical knowledge and disciplinary skills of computing and engineering. Dispositions are also distinct from baseline or cross-disciplinary skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, and communication. In contrast, dispositions are inherently human characteristics that describe individual qualities and behavioral patterns that lead to professional success. Dispositions are learnable, not necessarily teachable.
This work-in-progress paper motivates dispositions within computing disciplines and presents the
background of this approach. It also discusses the use of reflection exercises and vignettes in understanding, promoting, and fostering behavioral patterns that undergraduate computing students identify as related to dispositions they experience in the course. Preliminary data and results from the study are also presented.
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