2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition papers by Dr. Alejandra J. Magana

Title Session
Data Analytics Short Courses for Reskilling and Upskilling Indiana's Manufacturing Workforce Manufacturing Division (MFG) Poster Session [view paper]
Biomedical and Agricultural Engineering Undergraduate Students Programming Self-Beliefs and Changes Resulting from Computational Pedagogy Disciplinary Engineering Education Research – Session 1 [view paper]
Engineering Faculty Professional Development: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) Dissemination for Curriculum Integrating Entrepreneurial Mindset, STEAM, and Bio-Inspired Design Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 6 [view paper]
Taking an Experiential Learning Approach to Industrial IoT Implementation for Smart Manufacturing through Course Work and University-Industry Partnerships Manufacturing Division (MFG) Poster Session [view paper]
Undergraduate Student Experience with Research Facilitated by Project Management and Self-regulated Learning Processes Self-Regulation and Learning [view paper]
Evaluating Self-paced Computational Notebooks vs. Instructor-Led Online Lectures for Introductory Computer Programming COED Programming Education 2: Instructional Approaches [view paper]
A Framework for the Development of Online Virtual Labs for Engineering Education Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies Division (DELOS) Technical Session 6: Online, Remote, and VIrtual Labs [view paper]

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