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M433·DISTINGUISHED LECTURE: Building Pathways and Breaking Down Barriers in Culturally Responsive and Community-Centered Engineering Education
Special Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)
Mon. June 24, 2024 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Room 256, Oregon Convention Center
Session Description

The intersection of the engineering design process and culturally responsive pedagogy presents a promising avenue for a more inclusive approach to engineering education and integration of engineering design in math and science content. This talk delves into the integration of culturally responsive engineering education within K-12 classrooms, aiming to improve student engagement and academic achievement. Through the presentation of research and practical examples, insights into teachers' preferences and challenges when implementing a culturally responsive engineering design process will be provided.
Furthermore, in the realm of academia, the significance of forging and nurturing meaningful partnerships with community members cannot be overstated. This talk explores the pivotal role of authentic partnerships between higher education institutions and local communities in advancing culturally responsive education. These partnerships prioritize lifting the voices of those with lived experiences and tacit knowledge, recognizing them as the true experts on what is needed for their schools and communities. By collaborating with the community, rather than working on the community, these partnerships ensure that educational practices are relevant, respectful, and effective.
Ultimately, this presentation provides valuable recommendations for STEM education researchers and practitioners seeking to integrate culturally responsive pedagogy into their instruction. It also addresses forming sustainable, authentic community partnerships guided by cultural humility and aiming to tackle systemic barriers in STEM education.

For those interested in: Broadening Participation in Engineering and Engineering Technology and Pre-College

  1. Prof. Mariam Manuel
    University of Houston - COE

    Mariam Manuel, Ph.D., is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Houston. Dr. Manuel is a nationally recognized STEM education researcher and practitioner, drawing from her experience as a classroom teacher and first-generation student to champion culturally responsive STEM education. Her research on the intersection between engineering design and culturally responsive pedagogy was awarded the Best Paper and Best DEI Paper at the 2022 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) conference in the Pre-College Engineering Education Division. Dr. Manuel's impactful efforts and community partnerships recently helped secure an NSF Racial Equity in STEM grant, dedicated to expanding underserved students' access to STEM education and extending on the success of the STEM RISE program.