Mon. June 24, 2024 9:15 AM to 10:45 AM
Exhibit Hall B, C & D, Oregon Convention Center
Session Description
Poster presentation for all Works-in-Process (WIP) for the Biomedical Engineering Division (BED)
Papers Presented
Board 5: Work in Progress: Effectiveness and Utility of Video Feedback for CAD Models
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Dr. Julian M Lippmann (University of Miami)
Board 6: Robot Temperament Assessment as a Method to Expose Students to the Humanistic Aspects of Biomedical Engineering
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Dr. Uri Feldman (Wentworth Institute of Technology) and Dr. George D. Ricco (Miami University)
Board 7: Work in Progress: A Collaborative, Principle-focused Curriculum Design Process for a BME Undergraduate Program
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Dr. Shannon Barker (University of Virginia), Dr. Brian P. Helmke (University of Virginia), Lynn Mandeltort (University of Virginia), Dr. Jessica Taggart (University of Virginia), and Dr. Timothy E. Allen (University of Virginia)
Board 8: Work in Progress: Bridging Theory and Practice: Innovation-Based Learning and NSF I-Corps in Modern Engineering Education.
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Abigail Tubbs (University of North Dakota), Ms. Paige Beduhn (University of North Dakota), Ryan Striker (University of North Dakota), Mr. Enrique Alvarez Vazquez (University of North Dakota), and Dr. Dan Ewert (University of North Dakota)
Board 9: Work in Progress: Collaborative Learning to Develop Laboratory Modules that Support Knowledge Gain and Professional Development in a Biomedical Engineering Graduate Course
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Dr. Marcia Pool (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Prof. Rohit Bhargava (Affiliation unknown), and H. Rex Gaskins (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Board 10: Work in Progress: Design of a Full-Time Summer Research Program for High School Students
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Marla Hilderbrand-Chae (University of Massachusetts, Lowell), Dr. Adam St. Jean (University of Massachusetts, Lowell), and Dr. Yanfen Li (University of Massachusetts, Lowell)
Board 11: Work in Progress: Development and Assessment of an Innovative, Student-Centered Biomechanics Course
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Dr. Pattie S. Mathieu (Marian University)
Board 12: Work in Progress: Enhancing Student Engagement and Interest in STEM Education through Game-Based Learning Techniques in Bioengineering and Electrical Engineering Core Curricula and How to Create Them
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Dr. Ali Ansari (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Board 13: Work in Progress: Exploring Student Disposition in a Foundational Conservation Principles of Bioengineering Course
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Dr. Jennifer R Amos (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Yael Gertner (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Juan Alvarez (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), and Benjamin Cosman (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Board 14: Work in Progress: Exploring the Integration of Bio-Inspired Design Inventions in Biomedical Engineering
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Eisa A. Khawaja (Alpharetta High School) and Dr. Hoda Ehsan (The Hill School )
Board 14A: Work in Progress: Integrating Information and Data Literacy Skills into Biomedical Engineering Laboratory Courses
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Mr. Alexander James Carroll (Vanderbilt University), Dr. Joshua Daniel Borycz (Vanderbilt University), Sheldon Salo (Vanderbilt University Library), Prof. Amanda R. Lowery (Vanderbilt University), and Eric Spivey (Vanderbilt University)
Board 15: Work in Progress: Mixing Flipped and Traditional Teaching to Support Conceptual Learning and Motivation in a Cell and Molecular Biology Course
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Dr. Laura Christian (Georgia Institute of Technology) and Todd M. Fernandez (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Board 16: Work In Progress: New Pedagogical Strategies for Senior Design BME Projects Involving Industry Partners
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Dr. KRYSTYNA GIELO-PERCZAK (University of Connecticut)
Board 17: Work in Progress: Promoting Equitable Team Dynamics in a Senior Biomedical Engineering Design Course
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Dr. Jennifer H Choi (University of California, Davis)
Board 18: Work in Progress: The ATP-Bio REU Boot Camp: An Innovative Approach to Building a Sense of Community in Support of Broadening Participation in Biomedical Engineering
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Dr. Seth K. Thompson (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities), Alyssa A Burger (Affiliation unknown), Emily Goff (University of Minnesota - Twin Cities), Catherine Heremans (Affiliation unknown), Christopher Hogan (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities), Gina Ristani (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities), Guadalupe Ruiz (University of California, Riverside), Basak E Uygun (Massachusetts General Hospital), and Keisha Varma (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)
Board 19: Work in Progress: Towards Self-reported Student Usage of AI to Direct Curriculum in Technical Communication Courses
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Kavon Karrobi (Boston University) and Angela Lai (Tufts University)
Board 20: Work in Progress: Understanding Student Perceptions and Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence for Technical Writing
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Dr. Amy N Adkins (North Carolina State University), Dr. Naji S Husseini (North Carolina State University), and Dr. Lianne Cartee (North Carolina State University)
Board 21: Work-In-Progress: The Influence of Digital and In-Person Pedagogical Interventions on Undergraduate Biomedical Engineers
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Ms. Victoria Rose Garza (The University of Texas at San Antonio), Dr. Joel Alejandro Mejia (University of Cincinnati), and Dr. Teja Guda (The University of Texas at San Antonio)