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W338B·MECH - Technical Session 12: Promoting Student Success and Motivation
Technical Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH)
Wed. June 26, 2024 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
C122, Oregon Convention Center
Session Description

This session focuses on strategies to enhance student success and motivation in mechanical engineering. It covers implementing an industry-centered technical communications course, introducing concept maps in heat transfer, integrating sustainability aspects throughout the curriculum, comparing individual and cooperative assignments in fluid mechanics, and promoting transfer student success through articulation agreements.

For those interested in: Academia-Industry Connections, Advocacy and Policy, Broadening Participation in Engineering and Engineering Technology, New Members, and Pre-College

Moderated by
  1. Fabian Sorce
Papers Presented
  1. Implementation of a Standalone, Industry-centered Technical Communications Course in a Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Program [view paper]
    Prof. Jenni Buckley (University of Delaware), Dr. Amy Trauth (American Instiutes for Research (AIR)), Dr. David L Burris (University of Delaware), and Dr. Alexander John De Rosa (University of Delaware)
  2. Introducing Concept Maps in an Undergraduate Heat Transfer Course [view paper]
    Dr. Jessica Lofton (University of Evansville)
  3. Introducing Social and Environmental Sustainability Aspects Cohesively throughout the Student Experience: One Course at a Time while Considering the Program as a Whole [view paper]
    Dr. Elisabeth Smela (University of Maryland, College Park), Dr. Vincent Nguyen (University of Maryland, College Park), Dr. Natasha Andrade (University of Maryland, College Park), and Andrew Elby (University of Maryland, College Park)
  4. Comparing the Impact of Individual v. Cooperative Bloom’s Taxonomy-based In-class Assignments on Student Learning and Metacognition in an Undergraduate Fluid Mechanics Course [view paper]
    Dr. Phapanin Charoenphol (Texas A&M University) and Dr. Arkasama Bandyopadhyay (Texas A&M University)
  5. Promoting Transfer Students’ Success through Articulation Agreements: An Empirical Case Study in Mechanical Engineering [view paper]
    Anna-Lena Dicke (University of California, Irvine), Kameryn Denaro (Affiliation unknown), and Dr. David A. Copp (University of California, Irvine)