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U495W·SUNDAY WORKSHOP: Cyber-Informed Engineering
Workshop Sponsored Workshops
Sun. June 23, 2024 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
B115, Oregon Convention Center
Session Description

Free ticketed event
Understanding Cyber-Informed Engineering (CIE) and its twelve principles is a new mode of system thinking and stewardship for training engineers. Successful education of CIE will ensure that engineers working in industry, especially in critical infrastructure, implement a more robust and complete cybersecurity implementation. This workshop will present an engineered system and walk participants through the adoption of CIE principles against this system. Adopting CIE practices that this system harnesses demonstrates how engineered controls reduce the overall cyber risk and promote clear and effective communication to cybersecurity professionals. So as CIE and traditional cyber protections are implemented into a system design and implementation, we can achieve a more robust and complete cybersecurity implementation.

  1. Benjamin Lampe

    Ben received his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wyoming. Immediately after, he was employed by the Naval Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) for the past 10 years. During his tenure at the NNL, he received a Masters of Science in Computer Science from the University of Idaho. He has experience designing and building Rockwell Automation PLC and HMI systems, BACnet Building Automation systems, and open source systems with Linux and Node Red. After he transitioned from control systems into IT as part of the IT Leadership Development Program, he has experience managing Cisco and Palo Alto Network Technologies and working with VMware Virtualization Infrastructure. During his tenure with the NNL include writing, architecting, and implementing the Operational Technology (OT) Technical Strategy for the US Naval Reactor Program. This Strategy is implemented and used currently across the United States within the Naval Nuclear Laboratory.
    Ben transitioned from the NNL to Idaho State University as a Clinical Instructor for Industrial Cybersecurity program. During his time at Idaho State University, he was awarded as Region 5 New Teacher of the Year for the State of Idaho and worked as a Joint-Appointee with the Idaho National Laboratory.
    Ben has since joined the Idaho National Laboratory as a Cybersecurity Education Specialist where he blends his technical experience in engineering systems and his academic education experience as an instructor. He actively supports the National implementation of Cyber-Informed Engineering at his time at the Idaho National Laboratory.