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U495AB·SUNDAY WORKSHOP: The Rising Doctoral Institute: Designing a Workshop to Support Doctoral Students' Success in the Engineering Ph.D.
Workshop Sponsored Workshops
Sun. June 23, 2024 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
G132, Oregon Convention Center
Session Description

Free ticketed event
Studies on graduate education have shown that underrepresented minorities (URM) finish Ph.D.s in engineering at lesser rates and longer timeframes than their majority peers. Research has also shown that it is the transition into the Ph.D. that shows key promise in helping students tackle the challenges germane to this degree.

To prepare URM doctoral students for this transition to the Ph.D., we developed the Rising Doctoral Institute (RDI). The RDI is an NSF-funded project to partner with colleges of engineering and computer science to create workshops directed to incoming doctoral students who identify as underrepresented in engineering. The workshops are intended to be held just before students start their graduate programs and into that first Fall semester. This workshop structure was designed and grounded in research on doctoral student development and has been tested across multiple institutional contexts for replicability.

  1. Dr. Mayra S Artiles
    The Ohio State University

    Mayra S. Artiles is an assistant professor in engineering at the Polytechnic School of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University.

  2. Dr. Stephanie G. Adams
    University of Texas at Dallas

    Stephanie Adams is the Lars Magnus Ericsson Chair and Dean of the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Texas at Dallas.

  3. Dr. Holly M Matusovich
    Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

    Dr. Holly Matusovich is a Professor in the Department of Engineering Education. She is also the Associate Dean for Graduate and Professional Studies.

  4. Dr. Juan M Cruz
    Rowan University

    Juan Cruz Bohorquez is an assistant professor in the Experiential Engineering Education program at Rowan University.