2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

Educating the Whole Engineer: Leveraging Communication Skills to Cultivate Ethical Leadership Character

Presented at Engineering, Ethics, and Leadership

Effective communication skills are fundamental to the practice of engineering and fundamental to engineering education. Effective communication skills can also become a vehicle to cultivate character and promote ethical and professional practices. In this paper, we analyze a series of eight communication focused lectures presented to senior engineering students in an effort to identify character virtues that are also promoted via the teaching of effective practices of communication. Our group believes that leveraging professional skills, such as communication skills, to promote ethical conduct and character development is an important responsibility of engineering educators. In this paper, we will highlight important topics of communication that should be part of every engineering curriculum from the lens of ethics and character cultivation. We believe this paper has the potential to transform how we teach communication skills to engineering students and how we can authentically integrate two often siloed topics - ethics education and communication skills. Virtues that are inherent in the teaching of effective communication in engineering contexts include honesty, integrity, courage, empathy, humility, resilience, responsibility, justice, curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking. Examples and specific scenarios will be presented in this paper.

  1. Mrs. Farnoosh B. Brock Prolific Living Inc. [biography]
  2. Dr. Jessica Koehler Wake Forest University [biography]
  3. Mr. Andy Brock Prolific Living [biography]
  4. Dr. Olga Pierrakos Wake Forest University and National Science Foundation [biography]
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