2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

Faculty and Administrators' Servingness in Engineering Education at Hispanic Serving Institutions: A Systematic Review

Presented at Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 2

The purpose of this systematic review study is aimed at examining the roles and contributions of engineering faculty members and administrators in enhancing the educational experiences of Latinx and other BIPOC students at Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs). HSIs play a vital role in attracting, enrolling, and retaining racially minoritized students in engineering programs. However, it remains essential to comprehensively understand how faculty engage in teaching, mentoring, and supporting these students and how administrators’ leadership and support services influence the overall educational landscape in engineering programs at HSIs. Scholars have argued that it is critical to investigate the roles of faculty members and administrators in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion at HSIs (Garcia et al., 2019; Marin & Aguilar-Smith, 2023), particularly within engineering education.

This systematic review will involve selecting and analyzing approximately 35 peer-reviewed articles and conference proceedings about engineering education published from 2010 to the present. The articles will be chosen based on predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria, with a focus on faculty and administrator roles in teaching, mentoring, and supporting Latinx and other BIPOC students in engineering. The study will employ a systematic and rigorous data analysis approach, selecting articles that reported research, policy, and practice implications for faculty and administrators particularly. We will ask two research questions:
1. What is the nature of HSI scholarship in engineering education?
2. What are the resulting implications for faculty and administrators?

We will report what areas of faculty and administrators’ contribution have been studied and published in engineering education literature. This systematic review contributes to the growing body of knowledge on the roles of faculty and administrators in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in engineering education at HSIs. The findings are expected to provide guidance for further research, inform policy decisions, and help shape practices that lead to a more inclusive and supportive engineering educational environment.

  1. Shirley Anderson University of North Texas [biography]
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For those interested in:

  • Broadening Participation in Engineering and Engineering Technology
  • Faculty
  • race/ethnicity