In teaching and learning digital electronics, the sequence is usually by introducing logic gates, teaching Boolean logic and simplifying combinational logic circuits as well as sequential logic circuits such as flip-flop circuits. If time permits, the implementation of a state machine or a project of sequential circuits will be included. In some cases, building an ALU or modeling a simple computer on a proto-board or a FPGA are also included. All of the above mentioned topics can be taught in just one semester. In the subsequent semesters, microprocessors, microcontrollers, embedded systems or digital design can be taught. While introducing microprocessors, computer architecture, computer peripherals and the use of assembly language programming should be included. This paper proposes a means to interconnect three learning phases which are digital electronics, learning assembly program, and modeling a simple computer with DHL and program it with assembly programming as well as implementing peripherals through digital design courses. The main goal is to model a popular microcontroller CPU such as to model the microchip PIC16 – an 8 bit microcontroller as example with a FPGA to implement a simple computer project at the end of the third semester. The instruction set and mnemonic should be created the same as the Microchip’s instructions. Then, program the modeled CPU in assembly language which has the same instruction set as Microchip has to verify basic computer operation. All of these are complete with a FPGA. After the first semester, teach students to program a commercially available microcontroller such as the Microchip PIC with assembly language and utilize their peripherals for applications. After students know how to program and use the microcontroller’s peripherals, continue to build the computer model in the third semester with a FPGA and write program for application. The benefit of using this pedagogy has three different aspects. The first one is to let students gain confidence on their own design with the same instruction set in PIC microcontroller. The second is to seamlessly combine the materials taught in different semesters and extend its continuation. The third is to better design or improve the existing peripherals in the microcontrollers after using it. This can be done in the digital design class as in the end of the trilogy. Only a person uses a tool, can the tool be better improved by the person who used it. After learning this digital and micro sequence, students can use microcontrollers to design an embedded system, or use a FPGA to design the same microcontroller. peripherals and applications as well as understand the operation and collaboration of a CPU, its instruction set and its programmer’s model.
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