The Computer Architecture curriculum primarily delves into the intricacies of modern microprocessor and computer system architecture design. One of the most challenging aspects of the curriculum is the study of MIPS instruction set design. In this paper, we share our recent experiences in applying an integrated pedagogical approach to this subject. Our methodology utilizes a hybrid combination of techniques including Topical Guide Objective (TGO) method, on-going exercises, and classroom demonstration methods, all while considering the assessment of ABET criteria in our course structure. Topical Guide Objectives (TGOs) define specific learning objectives for each topic in MIPS instruction set design in the computer architecture curriculum. By having clearly defined objectives, students have a better understanding of what they need to learn, making their learning goals more tangible.
This paper specifically focuses on the use of educational exercises tailored for computer architecture students, aimed at deepening their comprehension of MIPS instruction set design and related principles. The hybrid method denotes the application of educational models that cater to both qualitative and quantitative aspects of MIPS instruction set design. A sequence of on-going exercises, in-class activities and homework assignments were designed and incorporated into this hybrid model to facilitate a deeper understanding of instruction set design for students. These assignments are explicitly aligned with the TGOs covered in our lectures. Each TGO comprises a learning objective, a set of key points and basic concepts, their interrelation, and one or more exercise problems. The TGO method primarily consists of two components as follows. Following this approach, students are encouraged to complete homework assignments, engage in ongoing exercises, and participate in classroom activities, which incorporate the two elements of TGO: topical guide objectives for students to study and example problems for students to solve.
TGO is used to align assessments, such as assignments, homework assignments, and exams, with the learning objectives. This ensures that the assessments accurately measure whether students have achieved the intended learning outcomes. We anticipate that these carefully designed ongoing exercises, in-class activities, and class demonstrations will enhance students' attitudes and foster more active and meaningful participation in their learning process. TGO associated with on-going exercises and classroom demonstration method provides a basis for measuring the effectiveness of the educational program in this class. By assessing whether students meet the defined objectives, instructors and our computer engineering program may evaluate the success of their teaching methods in the computer architecture through MIPS instruction set design. The results of self-assessment, course evaluations, ABET-enabled assessments, and exams affirm that this integrated pedagogical approach can boost student motivation and improve their ability to grasp computer architecture, yielding satisfactory outcomes for both instructors and students.
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