2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

Enhancing Student Learning in Robot Path Planning Optimization through Graph-Based Methods

Presented at Technical Proficiency and Cybersecurity Awareness in ECE Education

Optimizing robot path planning, a key domain within computational intelligence and robotics, is gaining significant prominence today. Graph-based models for robot path planning optimization represent a highly impactful advancement in both research and educational aspects of computational intelligence. Nonetheless, teaching this subject within a computational intelligence curriculum is a challenging task.
In general, graph-based techniques for robot path planning are highly versatile and extensively utilized, offering a structured approach to analyze intricate environments and determine efficient and safe robot paths. Their adaptability to diverse robot types and environments positions them as fundamental tools in the fields of computational intelligence and robotics. In this study, we introduce a pedagogical approach that integrates sparrow-dissection and scaffolding (SDS) with active learning and ongoing project-based methods. This approach aims to assist students in the design, implementation, debugging, and operation of graph-based techniques for robot path planning.
We teach a visibility graph-based approach for robot path planning in the classroom and provide students with the corresponding source code. Students are expected to review and adapt the provided source code in order to apply the visibility graph-based method to their robot path planning tasks. In our Computational Intelligence course for graduate students, we introduce a visibility graph-based model for robot path planning along with its source code, serving as a foundation for students to dissect and understand the optimization of this method. We collaboratively guide students in revising and customizing the source code for their specific robot path planning needs. As students’ progress through a series of assigned projects centered on the application of the visibility graph-based method, they gradually gain independence and eventually complete projects on their own. Throughout the course, students are given a set of projects that require them to employ graph-based methods for robot path planning. We actively seek feedback after each project to assess their implementation, development, and application of these models in robot path planning. Our approach promotes active learning, encouraging students to participate, ask questions, and engage with both the instructor and their peers to explore the effective application of graph-based methods in optimizing robot path planning. This ongoing involvement of students in projects greatly enhances their comprehension of the subject matter.
We assess the efficacy of graph-based methods for robot path planning through a series of milestone assignments, presentations, and interactive activities. We also gather student feedback on their comprehension of graph-based concepts before and after each project, as well as their input on the development and application of neural network models, accomplished through the revision of the initial source code. Our teaching and learning strategies, underpinned by integrated pedagogical approaches, are closely linked to the learning outcomes of this course. This connection is established through an in-depth analysis of the projects involving graph-based methods for robot path planning. When evaluating the overall course effectiveness, we integrate this data with information from our course evaluation system. The combination of these insights underscores the effectiveness of the graph-based method and the high learning quality achieved through our integrated approach, which combines 'sparrow-dissection' and scaffolding pedagogies.

  1. Prof. Gene Eu Jan Tainan National University of the Arts [biography]
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