2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)

When Two Worlds Become One

Presented at Track 7: Technical Session 6: When Two Worlds Become One

At the Swanson School of Engineering, we offer a uniquely supportive experience to undergraduate minoritized scholars through the Pitt EXCEL program, which is part of our undergraduate diversity initiative. Pitt EXCEL, which began 21 years ago, aims to support engineering throughout all years of their undergraduate degree, beginning even before students arrive on campus for their first year. Upon acceptance to the engineering program, our academic support staff contacts scholars and their families to begin the orientation process for obtaining an engineering degree. This “high touch” approach embedded within community-driven campus programming and alumni mentoring aims to support the scholar throughout their entire undergraduate career with the goal of promoting achievement, at times against the odds. In this presentation, we will describe how the Pitt EXCEL program along with upper administrative support has been able to grow within the fabric of the Swanson School of Engineering and University of Pittsburgh. The presentation will address the needed support of Diversity Programs and the meaning of collaboration for wellness and success within the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion world. A critical component of Diversity Equity and Inclusion is the support that encompasses a team effort. Often, diversity programs are a subset (fragment), in an environment. Success comes when a diversity program is embedded into the culture with institutional support. Pitt EXCEL has had institutional support collaborating with key administrators to support those populations of scholars that have been minoritized. This model has resulted in high scholar success, as measured by retention and graduation rates, grades achieved, graduate school attendance, industry placement, alumni involvement, funding, and scholar testimonials expressing feelings of well-being and personal success.

  1. Ms. Yvette Renee Moore University of Pittsburgh [biography]
  2. Dr. Mary E. Besterfield-Sacre University of Pittsburgh [biography]
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