2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)

Interactive Session: Exploring Scripts of Whiteness in Engineering

Presented at Track 5: Technical Session 8: Interactive Session: Exploring Scripts of Whiteness in Engineering

Session Overview:
In this interactive session, we delve into the concept of whiteness in the field of engineering and exploring how it influences the experiences of minoritized populations. By exploring some scripts of whiteness in engineering spaces, we aim for this session to begin important discussions which can help to pave the way for greater racial equity within the profession. Through a series of activities, discussions, and group exercises, participants will co-construct knowledge to explore the concept of whiteness as it is manifested in engineering. This session will draw from our project funded by the NSF Racial Equity in STEM Education program. The intent for this session is to engage participants in developing their own racial literacy. That is, to identify that a racialized structure does exist, and discuss what it looks like in STEM in general and in engineering in particular.

Session Objectives:
1. Describe the concept of whiteness as a system of social control in engineering.
2. Discuss common scripts of whiteness prevalent in engineering spaces.
3. Explore the manifestations of these scripts and their impact on minoritized individuals.
4. Describe some ways in which scripts of whiteness contribute to systemic barriers in engineering education.

Tentative Session Agenda:
I. Introduction (15 minutes)
● Welcome and icebreaker activity to set the stage for open dialogue and collaboration.
II. Exploring Scripts of Whiteness in Engineering (15 minutes)
● Think/Pair/Share discussion regarding perceptions and notions of whiteness
● Facilitated presentation of the literature on ideology of whiteness and concept of scripts
● Group discussion on the impact of whiteness on underrepresented individuals in engineering.
III. Group Activity: Identifying Scripts of Whiteness (45 minutes)
● Participants discuss and identify common scripts of whiteness in engineering spaces.
● Individual Jamboard reflexivity activity on scripts of whiteness.
● Group sharing and reflection on the identified scripts.
IV. Conclusion and Next Steps (15 minutes)
● Summary of key takeaways from the workshop.
● Closing remarks and resources for further learning.

Note: This workshop is designed as a starting point for deeper engagement and ongoing efforts to challenge scripts of whiteness in engineering. It is recommended to follow up with additional sessions, training, or initiatives to foster long-term change and promote racial equity in the field.

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