This paper contributes to existing literature on the pathways and STEM identities of Hispanic students and professionals in STEM fields. In 2022, a non-profit organization conducted a comprehensive needs assessment survey among its members. The survey aimed to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and needs faced by members and identify ways in which the organization could provide support. The collected data was utilized to develop tailored programs, services, and events that cater to the community's needs and assist members in achieving their personal and professional goals.
As part of the needs assessment, the research team examined key factors such as STEM identity, STEM belonging, and satisfaction in STEM careers. The construct validity of the survey instrument was assessed using Cronbach's alpha coefficients, and subgroup comparisons were conducted based on career stage, gender, generation-to-college status, community college experience, and various combinations thereof.
This paper provides an overview of the constructs utilized, the methodology employed for data analysis, and essential findings derived from the results. The study sheds light on important insights and implications for supporting Hispanic individuals in their STEM journeys.
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