2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD) papers by Dr. Walter C. Lee

Title Session
Understanding Decision Processes Related to Pathways of Community College Engineering Students Track 2: Technical Session 5: Understanding Decision Processes Related to Pathways of Community College Engineering Students [view paper]
S-STEM Partnerships Supporting Low-Income Engineering Students: A Descriptive Case Study Track 1: Technical Session 4: S-STEM Partnerships Supporting Low-Income Engineering Students: A Descriptive Case Study [view paper]
Organizational Transformation for Graduate Education: Intentionally Engaging Graduate Students as Partners in Equity Work Track 3: Technical Session 6: Organizational Transformation for Graduate Education: Intentionally Engaging Graduate Students as Partners in Equity Work [view paper]
Using a Summer Bridge Program to Develop a Situational Judgment Inventory: From Year 1 to Year 2 Track 4: Technical Session 5: Using a Summer Bridge Program to Develop a Situational Judgment Inventory: From Year 1 to Year 2 [view paper]
Using a Collective Impact Approach to Establish a Center for Equity in Engineering Focused on Graduate Education: Lessons Learned from Phase I Track 3: Technical Session 2: Using a Collective Impact Approach to Establish a Center for Equity in Engineering Focused on Graduate Education: Lessons Learned from Phase I [view paper]

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