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T214E·Work-in-Progress Session: Exploring Learning and Development in Engineering Courses
Technical Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
Tue. June 27, 2023 9:15 AM to 10:45 AM
Ballroom 3 , Baltimore Convention Center
Session Description

Educational Research & Methods Division (ERM) technical session

Moderated by
  1. Isabella Stuopis
Papers Presented
  1. Work in Progress: Undergraduate Student Perceptions of Macroethical Issues in Aerospace Engineering [view paper]
    Ms. Elizabeth Ann Strehl (University of Michigan), Megan Ennis (University of Michigan), Dr. Aaron W. Johnson (University of Michigan), and Dr. Corin L. Bowen (California State University, Los Angeles)
  2. Work in Progress: Using the Formative Assessment Enactment Model to Characterize Instructor Moves in a Learning-Assistant Supported Mechanics Course [view paper]
    Isabella Stuopis (Tufts University) and Dr. Kristen B. Wendell (Tufts University)
  3. Work in Progress: Re-Interpreting Engineering Laboratory Literature Through the Lens of Cognitive Load [view paper]
    Gregory Wickham (Harvey Mudd College) and Matthew Spencer (Harvey Mudd College)
  4. Work in Progress: Quantification of Problem-Complexity and Problem-Solving Skills with Directed Networks in a Sophomore Course in Mechanics of Materials [view paper]
    Dr. Radheshyam Tewari (Michigan Technological University), Dr. Aneet Dharmavaram Narendranath (Michigan Technological University), and Dr. Jaclyn Johnson (Michigan Technological University)
  5. Work in Progress: Investigating the Relationship between Active Learning Strategies in Engineering Courses and Students’ Sustainability Behaviors [view paper]
    Trevion S. Henderson (Tufts University), OnKee Min (Tufts University), and Jessica Ostrow Michel (Affiliation unknown)
  6. Work in Progress: Qualitative Content Analysis of Quantitative Literacy in First-Year Engineering Courses [view paper]
    Dr. Raenita A. Fenner (Loyola University, Maryland), Dr. Peggy O'Neill (Loyola University, Maryland), Dr. Kerrie A. Douglas (Purdue University, West Lafayette ), and Dr. Elliot P. Douglas (University of Florida)
  7. Work in Progress: Making Engineering Education Teams more Effective: An Exploration of a Nearly Epistemic Negotiation [view paper]
    Dr. Courtney June Faber (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Lorna Treffert (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Alexis Gillmore (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Ms. Isabel A. Boyd (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), and Chulin Chen (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)