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M347·Student Division (STDT) Technical Session 5: Motivation and Support for Success
Technical Student Division (STDT)
Mon. June 26, 2023 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Room 349, Baltimore Convention Center
Moderated by
  1. Dr. Qin Liu
Papers Presented
  1. Work in Progress: Exploring the Relationship between Female Engineering Faculty and Degree Attainment of Women in Engineering [view paper]
    Claudia Vanessa Garcia (Society of Women Engineers), Dr. Roberta Rincon (Society of Women Engineers), and Daniel E. Chand (Kent State University)
  2. Work in Progress: An Investigation of the Influence of Academic Culture on Engineering Graduates' Workforce Expectations and Subsequent Work Behaviors [view paper]
    Philippa Eshun (Tufts University) and Dr. Kacey Beddoes (San Jose State University)
  3. Engineering Pathways from High School to Workplace: A Review of the Literature [view paper]
    D'Andre Jermaine Wilson-Ihejirika (University of Toronto, Canada), Dr. Qin Liu (University of Toronto, Canada), Joanna Meihui Li (University of Toronto, Canada), Mustafa Nisar (University of Toronto, Canada), and Ms. Jiawen Lin (University of Toronto, Canada)
  4. Work in Progress: Assessing the Need for Mental Health Curricula for Civil, Architecture, and Construction Engineering [view paper]
    Sepehr Khorshid (University of Alabama) and Dr. Siyuan Song (University of Alabama)
  5. Mediating Expectations: Understanding the Influence of Grades on Professional Identity Formation in Undergraduate Engineering Students [view paper]
    Jackson Clyde Smith (Utah State University), Ilham Kabir (University of Maryland College Park), and Dr. Cassandra McCall (Utah State University)