Mon. June 26, 2023 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Room 338, Baltimore Convention Center
Session Description
This session contains works that explore the implications of start-up packages, the psychological needs of faculty, a pathway to start research on education, how to engage in interdisciplinary STEAM collaborations, working with longitudinal student records, creating a functional knowledge management system, and managing a research group.
For those interested in:
New Members
Moderated by
Dr. Rossana Villa Rojas
Papers Presented
Tips for Creating a Functional Personal Knowledge Management System in Academia
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Dr. Rebecca Marie Reck (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Growing and Mentoring Your Research Group
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Dr. Edward F. Gehringer (North Carolina State University, Raleigh) and Dr. Matthias F. Stallmann (North Carolina State University, Raleigh)
A Primer on Working with Longitudinal Student Unit Records
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Mr. Russell Andrew Long (Purdue University), Richard A. Layton (Layton Data Display), Dr. Marisa K. Orr (Clemson University), Dr. Susan M. Lord (University of San Diego), and Dr. Matthew W. Ohland (Purdue University)
A Pathway to Initiate Engineering Education Research: A First-Year Reflection on Faculty Development
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Dr. James W. Giancaspro (University of Miami), Dr. Diana Arboleda (University of Delaware), Dr. Aaron Heller (University of Miami), and Ali Ghahremaninezhad (University of Miami)
What Do Engineering and Other STEM Faculty Need? Exploring the Nuances of Psychological Needs
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Dr. Denise Wilson (University of Washington) and Dr. Jennifer J. VanAntwerp (Calvin University)
Work in Progress: Recommendations for Early Career Faculty to Engage in Interdisciplinary STEAM Collaborations
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Dr. Renee M. Desing (Oregon State University), Dr. Abigail Clark (The Ohio Northern University), Dr. Rachel Louis Kajfez (The Ohio State University), and Cassie Wallwey (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
Engineering Start-Up Packages: Mixed Methods Analysis of Composition and Implications for Early-Career Professional Formation
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Dr. Monica L. Castaneda-Kessel (Utah State University)