W415·Digital Circuits, Architecture, Embedded Systems
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
Wed. June 28, 2023 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Room 331, Baltimore Convention Center
Moderated by
Yang Victoria Shao
Papers Presented
Integration of VHDL Simulations and Written Reflections to Improve Student Understanding of Sequential Logic Circuits
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Ben Arie Tanay (Purdue Engineering Education), Dr. Renee M. Clark (University of Pittsburgh), Gaoxiang Zhou (University of Pittsburgh), and Dr. Samuel J. Dickerson (University of Pittsburgh)
Building systems Using Microcontroller-Controlled I/O
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Dr. Anu Aggarwal (University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign)
New Course Development for Internet of Things
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Dr. Yanxiao . Zhao (Virginia Commonwealth University), Dr. Shaobo Huang (University of Saskatchewan), Dr. Carl Elks (Virginia Commonwealth University), Prof. Umit Ozgur (Virginia Commonwealth University), and Dr. Vitaliy Avrutin (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Reimagining the digital lab with $30 FPGAs
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Steven Bell (Tufts University)
Enhancing Teaching Effectiveness and Learning Experience of Digital Circuit Design using Multiple Tools
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Dr. Guodong Wang (Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts) and Dr. Yanxiao . Zhao (Virginia Commonwealth University)